Learn all about the ROPA Method

Our society is moving forward and is becoming more and more open. Little by little, new trends are taking their place and the same happens with new family models.

That is why Fertty is born with the conviction that any type of motherhood is possible, we believe that the only important thing is the desire to form a family.

We strongly support the new models of motherhood, whether in couples formed by two women or those who decide to seek pregnancy without a partner.

The ROPA Method (Reception of Oocytes from the Couple) is a treatment exclusively for couples formed by two women who want to become mothers and which makes it possible for both to actively participate in the pregnancy.

Is shared motherhood possible?

Assisted reproduction is, without a doubt, one of the main factors that has led to the emergence of these new family models we have discussed. What was practically unthinkable a few years ago, is nowadays becoming more and more frequent, as the data we see in surgeries indicate.

It must be taken into account that one of the great desires of women couples is to be able to form their own family. The ROPA Method not only helps in this sense, but also allows motherhood to be shared by both women.

But what does ROPA mean?

ROPA stands for Reception of Oocytes from the Couple.

This treatment is very similar to a conventional In Vitro Fertilisation, except that in this case both women actively participate in the pregnancy, one providing the eggs and the other carrying the pregnancy.

To do this, we must extract the eggs to be fertilised in our assisted reproduction laboratory using a sperm sample from a donor.

At this point it is worth remembering that, in Spain, sperm donation is completely anonymous, and it is the clinics that select the most suitable donors(incluir hipervínculo al nuevo blog sobre selección de donantes) depending on the results of the analyses and the phenotypic characteristics of the patients.

Once the eggs have been fertilised and have given way to the embryos, we select the ones with the highest probability of pregnancy to transfer them to the uterus of the couple so that they can carry the pregnancy.

All this is carried out in an extremely safe environment. Fertty’s laboratories are designed and equipped at the forefront of technology and comply with the highest safety measures to guarantee excellence in all our treatments.

For the embryo transfer, a small dose of sedation will be necessary in order to increase the patient’s comfort. Once the embryo transfer has been carried out, recovery takes just 20 minutes and once you are in perfect condition, you can return to your normal routine.

As you have seen, thanks to the ROPA Method, both women play a fundamental role in the birth of the baby, as both participate actively in the gestation with shared maternity.

Fertty, a new concept of maternity in Barcelona

At Fertty we are sure that a new concept of motherhood is possible, positive motherhood.

In the same way that we observe that society changes and advances around us, we believe that we must evolve and that the only thing that really matters is the desire of a couple or a woman to start a family.

Fertty is a modern clinic, pleasant and designed for today’s women, with a staff that always offers a close and familiar treatment.

For us, each patient is unique, and we do not understand anything else other than treating each patient in a personalised way in order to obtain the best results based on their history.

We owe it to our patients, their confidence that, thanks to our help, they will be able to form a family, leads us to always strive for excellence.

We want to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a mother by taking the first step together.

We are certain that this year will be full of joy, excitement and dreams fulfilled.

Our team is prepared to attend to you in your own language so that you can resolve all your doubts and feel at home at all times.

We will help you to make your trip and stay in Barcelona, together with the experience in your clinic, something you will never forget.

To do so, you can arrange your first visit at Fertty completely free of charge by clicking here.

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