The aim of this Cookies Policy is to provide users of the website with the necessary information so that they can decide whether they wish to allow the installation of the cookies used on as well as instructions as to how to manage them. To do so, we explain a few basic concepts we feel internet users need to be familiar with (what cookies are and what they can be used for, how to disable or delete them) and we facilitate the identification of our cookies.

The information on the cookies policy of is provided in two sections: the first is a “notice” in the footer of the website, which alerts users to the fact that non-exempt cookies (the purpose of which is outlined) will be installed should they continue to browse the website without modifying their browser settings. It also provides a link to the second section: this policy, where the user can find out more about the content and operation of these cookies.

Our Cookies Policy is public and permanently accessible via the link enabled on the website, labelled “Cookies”, which users can access to remain informed at all times.

This Cookies Policy may be updated at any time, as a result of a regulatory change or a change in the settings of the cookies used. may use cookies, and other similar technologies, to store and retrieve information from the terminal equipment of users of its websites (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookies”).

Cookies are computer files or programmes, sent to a browser by a web server, which store information on the user’s computer when they access or browse a website. Once they have been installed, the user can access that website. In other words, they are pieces of information that a website installs on your device when you visit it. These devices may contain information about the browsing habits of users or the devices on which they are installed or may even be used to recognise the user.





There are different types of cookies depending on the purpose for which they are used. uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies: These allow the user to browse the website and to use the different options or services available thereon, such as, for example, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, purchasing a service or sharing content via social networks.
  • Analytical cookies: These allow us to monitor and analyse the behaviour of users of our website. We use the services of Google Analytics to perform these analyses. The terms and conditions of these services can be consulted at the following address:
  • Advertising cookies: These allow us to manage, in the most efficient way possible, the advertising spaces that may be present on our website, based on criteria such as content or the frequency with which advertisements are displayed.
  • Remarketing cookies: By inserting a pixel or tag, users’ visits to our website are recorded so that advertisements about our products and/or services appear in their timeline on social networks (Instagram and/or Facebook). The social networks are responsible for recording and storing the information for a maximum of 90-180 days.
  • Social cookies: These are cookies that social network service providers may install when the user selects to share certain content from our website on that network. The terms and conditions of these services can be consulted at the following addresses:

The cookies used by are anonymous and do not provide information from which the user’s personal data can be deduced. The only non-anonymous cookies, i.e., those that allow the user to be identified, are those that the user voluntarily activates, thereby authorising their installation. These cookies store the user’s name in their terminal equipment, as well as a hash of the user’s name and password, for fifteen days, for the sole purpose of facilitating the user’s access to restricted areas without them having to manually enter their login details each time. To learn more about our personal data protection policy, please consult our Privacy Policy.





Cookies will be installed after the user has granted consent. It is considered that this consent has been granted if the user browses our website, or if they carry out certain actions that imply express authorisation for the installation of cookies.

If the user wishes to revoke the consent given, they should delete the cookies installed and, where appropriate, modify their preferences regarding the acceptance of cookies via their browser options. To prevent them from being installed in the future, you will need to select the Private Browsing, or “Do-Not-Track” options provided on your browser, i.e., block or disable the installation of cookies.

To allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer or device by configuring the settings of the browser installed on it, follow the instructions provided by the browser itself. Below are links to where you can adjust cookie settings on the most popular browsers:

If you use a different browser, or if the links provided do not contain the information you want, you can find out how to manage the cookies that are installed on your computer by accessing the “Options” or “Settings” menu – or equivalent – of your browser, or by consulting its “Help” or “Support” section.

Certain browsers allow you to set specific rules – exceptions – so that you can manage cookies by website. This allows you to disable cookies from all sites except those you trust.

Should you wish to deactivate ads based on remarketing cookies, you will need to visit the social network concerned and follow the steps outlined thereon.

If you block or deactivate the use of cookies on your browser, some of the services or features of the website may not be available to you.

Remember to set your preferences on all the devices you use to browse the internet.