Psychological support or accompaniment is really important when we have to face an Assisted Reproduction treatment. During the whole process there are a series of emotions that we must learn to manage. It is normal that during this stage fears, doubts andeven periods of nervousness arise.
At Fertty we are very aware of this and we do everything we can to help patients face this new stage in the best possible way.


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Why is psychological support important?


When we visit a clinic specializing in infertility it is normal to have a mixture of feelings. From incomprehension, some nervousness about the visit and what they can tell us, or simply the logical concern about the situation.

The same happens when a patient or a couple must undergo an Assisted Reproduction treatment.

A whole new world opens up to them. Visits to the clinic, a whole new terminology, the necessary medication before starting the cycle ….

At Fertty we understand and put ourselves in our patients’ shoes. We know that throughout the treatment there is a whole carousel of emotions that are not always easy to manage.

A mixture of excitement and concern, joy to know that they are beginning a precious journey towards motherhood accompanied by a trusted medical team, but also some uneasiness about the process that begins.

All this, moreover, usually comes together in a relatively short period of time and we must know how to channel our energy into the most positive aspects: confidence, enthusiasm and, above all, the desire to live the most beautiful experience in the world: motherhood.

But it is also important at all times to be at the patients’ side and make them understand that a negative situation may occur and that it will be just as important to learn how to manage it.

There can be hard moments, for example, when pregnancy is not achieved in the first cycle and the result is negative, even in the opposite cases, when we receive the call that the test result has been positive it is important to channel all the emotion before calling our close environment to give the happy news.

Psychological Accompaniment in Fertty


In Fertty we have our unit of Psychological Accompaniment formed by specialists in therapy applied to Assisted Reproduction.

In our consultations you will find an intimate space where you can talk about your feelings and sensations, where we will help you learn to manage all your emotions and where you will always find an open door in moments of uncertainty to help you make the road to motherhood easier and that will accompany you throughout the whole process.