Natural IVF






Natural IVF is a type of In Vitro Fertilisation that uses the natural monofollicular maturation carried out by the woman’s own cycle, without the need for ovarian stimulation by means of medication.

This treatment is indicated for women with low ovarian reserve, cases in which medication cannot help to generate more oocytes.

It is useful for couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally, helping overcome both male and female fertility problems.

Natural IVF is a fertility treatment that is performed without ovarian stimulation medication. It is recommended for women with very low ovarian reserve, as the administration of medication will not increase the number of eggs available. The aim is to obtain a single oocyte from the woman’s natural cycle.

The process begins with the monitoring of the menstrual cycle by ultrasound, without medication. When the egg reaches maturity, ovulation is induced and the egg is extracted by ovarian puncture.

With the retrieved oocyte, the laboratory creates embryos that are cultured until the blastocyst stage, usually 5-6 days after fertilisation. If the embryo reaches this stage, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus.

01 Previous Tests

Analysis and semen analysis to assess health and fertility status.

02 Procedure

Treatment preparation visit: Organisation, explanation and planning of the treatment and resolution of doubts.

Follicular controls: Monitoring of the menstrual cycle by means of ultrasound controls without administering medication.

Ovarian puncture: Extraction of the egg.

Embryo generation by IVF.

Embryo culture to blastocyst stage.

Embryo transfer: Transfer of the embryo.

03 Pregnancy control

Pregnancy test: Approximately 11 days after the transfer, a pregnancy test is carried out by means of a blood test.

Confirmatory ultrasound: If the test is positive, an ultrasound scan is performed at 2 weeks to confirm pregnancy.

Natural IVF is a type of in vitro fertilization that takes advantage of the natural monofollicular maturation performed by the woman’s own cycle.


  • Natural IVF is recommended for women with very low ovarian reserve, as in these cases medication to stimulate the ovaries would not be effective.
  • This treatment takes advantage of the natural development of a single follicle during a woman’s menstrual cycle.


The clinical gestation rate varies according to the age and specific conditions of the patients, generally between 40-55% per transfer.

The difficulty of this technique is obtaining a viable embryo for transfer. The rate decreases with age and other factors that may affect fertility.


This would not be the medical recommendation. Ovarian stimulation increases the efficiency of the treatment, increasing the chances of pregnancy without the need to perform a new follicular puncture or generate new embryos. The monofollicular development of natural IVF would greatly reduce efficiency. 

Maintaining a healthy diet, taking antioxidants and vitamin supplements, and moderate physical exercise can improve overall health and reduce oxidative stress, benefiting fertility. However, age remains a major determinant of success rates.




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