IVF with embryo prioritisation based on embryo genetics (EMBRACE)




In cases where a good response to stimulation and a high number of embryos are expected, we offer the Embrace technique, a powerful prioritisation system based on embryo genetics.

DNA released into the culture medium enables us to obtain probability that the embryos are normal.

Thus, we transfer the embryos with the greatest potential first, reducing the time needed to achieve an evolutionary pregnancy.

In this assisted reproduction treatment, embryos are generated and, once the embryo culture phase is completed, the culture medium in which the embryos have developed is analysed. 

This technology is based on the fact that embryos release part of their DNA to the outside. By studying this genetic material, we can infer the chromosomal status of the embryo, i.e. the probability that this embryo is chromosomally normal. It enables us to obtain this information without needing to manipulate the embryo by performing an embryo biopsy, as would be the case in PGT-A.

For this purpose, an IVF treatment is performed, where ovarian stimulation and subsequent oocyte retrieval is carried out. Embryos are generated from these oocytes, which develop in culture individually. When the embryos reach the blastocyst stage, they are vitrified and the culture media are then collected. These media will be analysed to obtain a prioritisation score for embryo transfer. 

Once the score is obtained, the uterus is prepared for the placement (embryo transfer) of the embryo with the highest probability of being euploid, i.e. not presenting chromosomal alterations, which correlates with the probability of evolutionary pregnancy. In embryos with the highest score, i.e. those with the highest probability of being chromosomally normal, a gestation rate of 60-70% per transfer is estimated.

01 Previous Tests

Tests that the doctor deems appropriate must be completed before treatment can begin. These are usually blood tests and seminogram (if applicable). 


02 Procedure

Ovarian stimulation: For 10-12 days, the woman must take the prescribed medication and attend the necessary ultrasound check-ups in order to obtain the maximum number of oocytes for that cycle.

Ovarian puncture: Egg retrieval under sedation.

Generation of embryos by IVF and individualised embryo culture up to the blastocyst stage.

Vitrification of viable blastocysts and collection of culture media for analysis.

Result of the genetic study of the medium: We receive an embryo prioritisation score based on the genetics of the embryo.

Endometrial preparation: The endometrium preparation (inner layer of the uterus) for the transfer begins with menstruation and will again require several gynaecological ultrasounds. Medication may be required and will be prescribed by your doctor.

Embryo transfer: Once the endometrium prepared, the embryo transfer takes place. On this day, the embryo with the highest score in the prioritisation
score is thawed and, by means of an ultrasound-guided procedure, is positioned in the most suitable place in the uterus for implantation. 

03 Gestational Control

Pregnancy test: Approximately 11 days after the transfer, a pregnancy test is performed to show whether the patient is pregnant or not.

Confirmation ultrasound: If the pregnancy test is positive, an ultrasound scan is carried out after 2 weeks to confirm that the pregnancy is proceeding correctly.

In cases where a good response to stimulation and a high number of embryos are expected, we offer the Embrace technique, a powerful prioritization system based on embryo genetics.



  • This treatment is suitable for women or couples with a maternal age of less than 37 years with good ovarian reserve and good response to ovarian stimulation. 
  • In these cases, we usually obtain several blastocysts and the tool of selection based on the genetics of the embryo is a powerful system to maximise the probability of reproductive success in the shortest possible time.
  • This analysis system enables us to select the first embryo to be transferred based on its genetic profile, genetics being is the most determining factor for an embryo to develop into a live and healthy new-born.


In the highest scoring embryos, i.e. those most likely to be chromosomally normal, a gestation rate of 60-70% per transfer is estimated. 


The embryo releases DNA to the outside, so that it remains in the culture medium. The genetic material released is a reflection of the DNA contained in the embryo. Thus, if a chromosomal alteration is detected in the medium, it is highly probable that it is also present in the embryo. Currently, this analysis is carried out by processing the information with an algorithm that gives us the probability of euploidy, without it being considered a diagnosis as such. That is why those women or couples who meet the indications for PGT-A should opt for the diagnostic strategy and not the prioritisation strategy.

Yes, you can lead a normal life during treatment, except for a few days before and after the puncture. You cannot have sexual intercourse or engage in high-intensity physical exercise. Ovarian stimulation is a treatment that is very well tolerated by patients. During this process, you may experience abdominal distension, breast turgor and/or a certain degree of tiredness. On the day of the egg retrieval (ovarian puncture) you will have to rest and will not be able to work.

Ovarian freezing techniques have improved a lot in recent times. Currently, ultra-rapid freezing techniques are used which allow us to have a 98% survival rate on thawing. 


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