Knowing oneself, both emotionally and physically, is very important in order to plan, live and conceive motherhood or fatherhood in the best way in each circumstance.


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With our ‘Mirror’ pack, we advise you and your partner by offering you the clinical tools and support of our specialists, which will allow you to know your fertility status in a complete way so that you can plan your parenthood successfully.


Mirror’ includes:


For women:

  • Ultrasound of antral follicle counts
  • AMH


For men: 

  • Basic Seminogram


In addition, sessions with our sexologist  for both of you will provide you with a holistic understanding of your sexuality, body and mind.

We give you the tools you need to plan your motherhood – parenthood with knowledge, security and confidence
Our team of specialists will accompany you through the whole processes to resolve your doubts and make what may seem complex easy