The technique with the best chances of pregnancy from among assisted reproduction treatments is in vitro fertilisation with egg donation.


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What is it?


Most women experience a decline in their ovarian reserve after the age of 35. With age, too, the quality of the egg decreases which increases the need for some women to use donated eggs to achieve pregnancy.

In Vitro Fertilisation treatment with donated eggs involves, on the one hand, an egg donor who undergoes a treatment to obtain the eggs and a recipient woman who undergoes an endometrial preparation treatment for the implantation of the embryos.


What does it offer?


In Vitro fertilisation with egg donation is the most effective technique among assisted reproduction treatments. The chances of having a child are the same as those of a mother under 35, regardless of the actual age of the mother who undergoes the process. The pregnancy rate per transfer is 66.8% and the live birth rate per transfer is 56.8%.

Who is it for?

Advanced reproductive age in women

Women who are carriers of a genetic disease

Very low ovarian reserve

Women with multiple previous treatment failures

Depleted ovarian reserve after oncological or surgical treatments

Women without ovaries

Donor selection


The donor must meet the following requirements, established by law:

  • Have a genetic study according to the requirements of the prevailing law
  • No abnormalities in the reproductive system
  • No general illnesses
  • Not have infectious diseases with risk of contagion and be psychologically fit


At Fertty our donors undergo a complete physical and psychological evaluation that will give us information about their state of health and their potential fertility, as well as a genetic study according to the current law, and the study of infectious diseases (HIV, HCV, HBV, Syphilis and CMV).


Donation is a a completely anonymous, voluntary and altruistic process in which the identities of the donor and recipient cannot be revealed. The donor’s information (necessary for the correct follow-up of the pregnancy) will be her age and her blood group and RH.



The recipient


In order to receive the embryos, the recipient will have to undergo a hormonal treatment of endometrial preparation for implantation to take place. This treatment can be can be carried out in two ways:

  • With fresh donor oocytes: the recipient starts the treatment at the same time as the donor (synchronised)
  • With frozen oocytes from a donor: this allows greater freedom for programming of the cycle and less risk of cancellation, due to cancellation of the donor (poor response or other reasons).


The semen sample is obtained on the same day as the puncture of the donor or the thawing of the eggs (if vitrified) and is processed in the laboratory in order to inseminate the donated eggs.  Once the embryos have been obtained, our biologists are in permanent contact with the couple or patient to inform them of their development until the day of the embryo transfer.


The embryo transfer is performed between 3 and 5 days after the eggs are obtained, transferring the eggs into the uterus of the recipient mother. This simple procedure is performed inside the laboratory using a catheter to insert the embryos through the cervix. This technique does not cause any pain or require anaesthesia and the woman can leave the clinic within a few minutes. The next day, the woman can engage in normal activityand the embryos that have not been transferred are frozen for future cycles.

The probability of having a child is the same as that of a mother under 35 years of age.
At Fertty we offer the possibility of having genetically selected donors by means of the Genetic Compatibility Test.


  • Cycle programming
  • Personalized follow-up of the entire medical process Endometrial preparation of the recipient Capacitation and preparation of the Seminal Sample
  • Fertilization of oocytes – IVF / ICSI
  • 1st embryo transfer
  • β-hCG pregnancy test and 1st ultrasound pregnancy test


  • Follow-up visit
  • Donor expenses: medical tests, selection and allocation process, medication and medical follow-up, puncture and oocyte retrieval.
  • SARS COVID 19 antigen test
  • Medication for endometrial preparation
  • Embryo culture
  • Freezing of supernumerary embryos (includes 1 year’s maintenance) Sedation in embryo transfer
  • Annual maintenance fee for cryopreserved supernumerary embryos
  • Donor sperm
  • Donor sperm + matching
  • Sperm freezing
  • Genetic compatibility test (GCT)
  • Analytical determination of HLA-C in donors for selection
  • Treatment for successive cryopreserved embryo transfers