Is it possible to achieve pregnancy without having a partner?

When we decided to start Fertty, we were very clear that our goal was only to help our patients to start a family by offering the most appropriate treatments for each patient, regardless of whether they were a heterosexual couple, formed by two women or, as today, women who decide to embark on the exciting path to motherhood without a partner.

In fact, the number of women who decide to face motherhood alone represents about 10% of the assisted reproduction treatments performed each year, a figure that has doubled in the last 10 years.

For them, even though they do not necessarily have any fertility-related problems, assisted reproduction is a great ally in achieving pregnancy, providing them with different types of treatment to help them fulfil their dream of becoming mothers.

Single motherhood in our society

Social changes in recent years, especially in the workplace, have meant that, on the one hand, many women are approaching the last years of their reproductive years without a partner with sufficient stability to face such an important commitment as having a child.

It is true that a few years ago, single mothers tended to be women in their 40s or older, eager to become mothers before it was too late. Today, however, we see much younger women in our practices, with a firm and determined plan for motherhood.

They are strong, financially independent women who have tremendous support from all those around them.

What treatments are the most indicated?

When a woman decides to become a mother without a partner, she must resort to assisted reproduction treatments in which we use the sperm sample from a donor, with Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilisation being the most common, depending on each type of patient.

It´s important to highlight this point that, according to the Assisted Reproduction Law in force in Spain, the sperm used for the treatments must come from an anonymous donor selected by the clinic.

Apart from the anonymity of the donor, in order to be included in the donation programmes the donor must pass strict controls and protocols to guarantee the maximum safety and quality of the samples.

As mentioned above, women who undergo treatment to become pregnant without a partner do not necessarily have any problems related to their fertility.

However, it is necessary to know their fertility status in order to determine the most appropriate treatment.

For example, it´s not the same for a woman who is considering motherhood at the age of 30, when her eggs are in their best condition and for whom Artificial Insemination with donor sperm could be the best option, as it is for a patient who is around 40, as the quality of her eggs may be very low and require a treatment such as IVF in which it will be necessary to fertilise the eggs in our laboratory.

This is why it is important to carry out a series of preliminary studies to determine the reproductive status of the patients and determine the best treatment to achieve pregnancy in the shortest possible time.

Single motherhood at Fertty

At Fertty we are convinced that the woman who decides to become a single mother by choice will face a beautiful life project, but at the same time full of worries and doubts. Motherhood can entail changes both from an emotional and financial point of view, as well as in terms of reconciling work and family life…

Our medical and nursing team, who have extensive experience in fertility treatments, are in charge of accompanying the woman who decides to become a mother.

We also have a fertility psychology unit to help with the emotional management of this process.

Choose Fertty, choose peace of mind

Our method is based on three aspects: personalisation, professionalism and innovation.

Each case is unique and we work to offer a personalised solution for each situation. To do so, we have the latest advances in reproduction and a team of professionals with a long experience and a very clear objective: to achieve “positive” results with as few treatments as possible.

Our assisted reproduction laboratory is equipped with the latest technology, placing it at the forefront of safety and excellence.

We have a medical and patient care team ready to attend you in your own language and who will help you with everything you need from the moment you decide to come to Barcelona to start your treatment.

We want you to feel at home at Fertty, we want you to be able to solve all your doubts and feel accompanied at all times.

You can book your first visit at Fertty completely free by clicking here

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