Dr. Francesc Fàbregues

Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. MIR Hospital Clinic
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. University of Barcelona
Specialist in Assisted Reproduction. Hospital Clinic of Barcelona
Professor at the University of Barcelona

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona.
PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona. Extraordinary Doctorate Award
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Hospital Clinic (MIR)
Specialist in laparoscopic surgery related to sterility.
Consultant Doctor in the Human Reproduction Unit. Hospital Clinic (current)
Medical Director of the Assisted Reproduction Unit -Aptima Mutua de Terrasa until June 2023.
Author of 150 articles in international journals, presentations at national and international congresses. H-Index 36.
Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Human Reproduction, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Research activity developed in ovarian stimulation in patients with low ovarian reserve, in ovarian stimulation guidelines in the context of IVF and in ovarian follicular reactivation techniques in patients with low ovarian reserve and premature ovarian failure.