Eva Benito

Diploma in Tourism Techniques and Activities
I am currently taking a course on Tourism in natural areas, at the UOC.
“It is not a current clinic, from the moment you enter the door you notice the difference and that, also applies to the way we treat patients. We are a great team and very well-matched, with a very good and cheerful atmosphere and this is transmitted to the patients who notice it from the first visit”.
Why did you become a Fertility expert?

Since I finished my studies I have worked in the field of tourism and commercial aviation. The world of fertility, which I did not know until 10 years ago, offers a lot of possibilities for people who, like me, speak several languages and love dealing with the public. Applying my experience with patients has opened up a new perspective for me.

Why are you proud to work at Fertty?

It is not a current clinic, from the moment you enter the door you notice the difference and that, also applies to the way we treat patients. We are a great team and very well-matched, with a very good and cheerful atmosphere and this is transmitted to the patients who notice it from the first visit. I think this is something that distinguishes us from other centres.

What is your attitude to patient management?

I like to be close and interested in them not only when they come for the first consultation, but even after the treatment is finished. I think it is important that they feel that we are someone who really understands what they are going through because sometimes the process can be more difficult than expected. Letting them know that we are there for them and are with them every step of the treatment is a great way to share this experience with them.

Have there been patients who inspire you?

I could not speak of a specific patient but rather of an accumulation of stories and experiences that, little by little, leave their mark on you. All patients can inspire us in one way or another, in the end, each person is different and comes to Fertty with a different backpack.

How do you spend your free time?

I’m quite moved, my friends call me “dynamite” and I like to do a lot of different things. Family is, for me, the most important thing but I love sewing and handicrafts, sports, reading, cinema, dancing, singing (in private) and, above all, travelling but in a different way such as collaborating with NGOs and making more integrative trips. Meditation, which I discovered few years ago, helps me to focus on my daily life and to enjoy the moment.

How would you describe your personality?

I am a cheerful person, I love to laugh and make people laugh. I think laughter is a very useful tool that we often forget to use. I like to talk and tell stories, but I also know how to listen and I think the latter is very important in the area in which I work.

We have grown alongside happy
and fathers who