Gianni Zucca

Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures for International Communication from the University of Genoa (IT). MasterDegree in Linguistics and Technological Applications from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. MasterDegree in Marketing and Sales Management by EAE Business School.
“Fertty is like a House where a big family lives, which is not only formed by the workers, but also by all the patients that every day pass through our offices. This family has welcomed me with open arms from the first day, and has taught me to work in a collaborative and coordinated way”.
Why did you become a Fertility expert?

I came to work in this sector a bit by chance, I have always worked in the field of public relations and the world of fertility has been a great discovery. I love interacting with patients and contributing to the realization of their dream of having a child. Seeing their happy faces and hearing their words of appreciation fills me with joy.

Why are you proud to work at Fertty?

Fertty is like a House where a big family lives, which is not only formed by the workers, but also by all the patients that every day pass through our offices. This family has welcomed me with open arms from the first day, and has taught me to work in a collaborative and coordinated way. And it is this family feeling that we want to transmit to all our patients with an always positive attitude. I am proud to work in this clinic where patients are not just numbers but members of our community.

What is your attitude to patient management?

What I always try from the beginning is to create a relationship of trust. From my side (also following Fertty’s philosophy) I want patients to always feel comfortable to talk with total transparency. Every patient is different and has a different story. What I always try to do is to offer them a personalised treatment. As a member of the International Department I know the difficulties and fears they may have when moving to another country and having a “distance” treatment. What is important for me is to break the distance and to be always present. We must break down geographical and linguistic barriers!

Have there been patients who inspire you?

I will never forget my first patients who had a positive pregnancy test. And I will never forget their happiness theday the baby was born. We still keep in touch and have created a deep friendship. But in general every patient teaches you something. They all generate in me a sense of admiration for the determination they have in starting a journey like this.

How do you spend your free time?

I love to cook. I’ve always thought I could have been a great chef! I like inventing dishes and creating beautiful plate settings.

I also love spending time with the people who love me; going out for a drink, eating, catching up.

How would you describe your personality?

I am a cheerful, curious and enthusiastic person. I love listening to other people’s stories and telling anecdotes. I’m also very stubborn and detail-oriented, I like things well done!

We have grown alongside happy
and fathers who