Dra. Paula Fabra

– Medical Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 
– Gynaecologist specialised in Reproductive Medicine
– Professor of the Master’s Degree in Reproductive Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
“Working at Fertty means working at a leading assisted-reproduction centre in Barcelona, working with the latest technology, alongside professionals with extensive experience in the sector and working in a private centre that invests in R&D”.
Why did you become a Fertility expert?

I became a doctor so I could help people, I guess like most of us. Then I decided to become a gynaecologist because I thought it was the speciality that, within the sphere of medicine, has the best news for its patients. I thought it was great to be able to help give life.


At the time I suppose I was thinking only about following the pregnancy and delivery, but then I realized there was an even better way to give life. And it was to help couples in need to get pregnant.


Also, even when I was in college, I had a special interest in the whole subject of hormones. During my gynaecology speciality I was lucky to have good teachers in this field, who made me enjoy it even more.


So, in short, I guess in the end it was a sum of these two factors.

Why are you proud to work at Fertty?

Working at Fertty means working at a leading assisted-reproduction centre in Barcelona, working with the latest technology, alongside professionals with extensive experience in the sector and working in a private centre that invests in R&D.


For me working at Fertty is a great opportunity to continue growing in this field.

What is your attitude to patient management?

I believe I am an empathetic, sincere and hard-working person and I try to be that way with my patients.


Initially I explain to patients their options and their chances of success in a clear and truthful way, detailing all procedures to be performed.


And then I accompany my patients during all aspects of the treatment, I am alongside them during the process, lending my full support and collaborating in any of the decisions to be taken.


I am 100% involved in each of my treatments, because what for someone may be a simple cycle of assisted reproduction, for a couple or a woman it can be the illusion of something as wonderful as having a baby.

Have there been patients who inspire you?

Yes, when a couple or a single woman comes to see me to have a baby, they are entrusting me with one of their greatest hopes in life. This means that during an assisted reproduction treatment, emotions run high and the relationship that is created is far more than a cordial doctor-patient relationship. Often, in this context, you end up getting to know your patients very well and sharing incredible stories of struggle and self-improvement.

How do you spend your free time?

The priorities in my life outside of work are my family, friends and sport (in that order). So that’s how I spend my free time. I also love to travel to get to know different ways of thinking and understanding life.

How would you describe your personality?

I am an outgoing, active and optimistic person. Even so, I spend my life worrying about others (an occupational hazard, I guess). Besides, as my family has always said, my greatest strength is my will and my discipline. I guess I’m too demanding on myself and others.

We have grown alongside happy
and fathers who